Nicolaus Copernicus House | Torun, Poland

Torun is a lovely city, and there are many reasons why you should visit it at least once in your lifetime. One of the reasons is the person of Nicolaus Copernicus, a well-known Polish astronomer who was one of the first daring to challenge the geocentric theory. As a child, he spent much of his everyday life in the late-medieval tenement house, which became the symbol of the renowned astronomer.

Whether you are an astronomy lover, someone obsessed with collecting art, or learning the philosophy of zodiac signs, the Copernicus house is a great way to start a space exploration journey.

Nicolaus Copernicus “The man who moved the earth.”

Nicolaus Copernicus is an outstanding Polish astronomer and author of the work “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres,” which turned the theory about the universe upside down. The scientific revolution, known as the Copernican revolution, confused science a lot and was one of the breakthrough moments of history.

The publication has gained lots of criticism inter alia from Martin Luther and the catholic church. His masterpiece was entered on the Index of Forbidden Books, a list of publications that the Catholic Church forbade to read, possess, and distribute without permission under the threat of ex-communication.

The book was eventually removed from the list in 1828.

Nicolaus Copernicus House

One of the places worth visiting is the House of Nicolaus Copernicus, located close to Old Town Square. This attraction should not be missed if you are an astronomy lover. The tenement house at 15 and 17 Kopernika Street is currently one of the branches of the District Museum in Toruń.

Visitors can expect knowledge focusing on three topics:

  • Ancient and modern science
  • Everyday life of a middle-class family in a late-Gothic Hanseatic homestead
  • The life and work of Nicolaus Copernicus

Besides, visitors can find it in the basement of the tenement house exhibit related to gingerbread craft. You get the chance to bake and taste delicious Torun specialty as well as get acquainted with its history.

Travelers can learn about the life and achievements of the astronomer through exhibitions, 4d projections, and interactive displays.

However, one of the most exciting things in the museum is an exceptional Medieval roof truss open to guests. Here most anticipated starry sky show takes place. Moreover, in this place, Nicolaus Copernicus as a boy turned his eyes towards the sky for the first time.

Opening Hours & Buying Ticket Online Click Here.

Bartosz is a travel writer, photographer & founder/editor of theuniquepoland who tells stories of adventure, history and current affairs. He writes mainly about travel, with special focus on Poland. He loves travelling, discover new unknown and inspire others.

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