Lenno Castle in Poland

Lenno Castle is the oldest brick fortress in Lower Silesia and is considered by some researchers as the oldest castle in Poland. The castle was a home of Henry the Bearded and his wife, Duchess Jadwiga, later recognized as a saint – Patron of Silesia. Princes and knights, noble families, and robbers had lived here as well.


As we mentioned, Lenno Castle is the oldest stone castle in Lower Silesia. The first records referring to the existence of the castle date back to the 10th century, and the castle has been expanding regularly over the years. The early stage of expansion was the construction of a Romanesque house and the subsequent development of the building with a cubic defensive tower and a chapel.

In the fourteenth century, the construction of a residential tower took place, which was a defense point of the castle entrance. The Wlen castle also had a real castle house and definitely did not resemble a modest castle a few centuries ago. Its development lasted around the beginning of the 16th century in which the fortress reached its late medieval form.

In 1646 The Thirty Years’ War was broke out. During the 30-year war, the fortress was occupied by Protestant Swedes or Catholic Habsburgs. On September 7, 1646, the Swedish army finally surrendered to the imperial army commanded by General Montecucoli, who ordered the castle to be blown up so that it would never be a bastion of resistance.

Wleń Castle shared the fate of the Castle in Grodziec and fell into ruin. The maintenance has always been a problem for those who ruled. Looking at Lower Silesia, you can clearly see how Palaces slowly began to replace castles. Adam von Kühlhaus bought the former castle grounds in 1653. He did not proceed to the reconstruction of the castle, and began to build a palace.

For years, the ruins were an attraction eagerly visited by tourists. However, due to the lack of an excellent host and lack of modernization, their condition continued to deteriorate.

After years of limited access, caused by a construction disaster in 2006, in May 2018, the castle was restored to visitors. Currently, it is supervised by archaeologists from the Jagiellonian University and Sudeten guides. The castle lies on the green Trail of Piast Castles and invites with over eight hundred years of history.

Visiting Castle

Grodek Wlenski Castle, Lenno Castle, or Wlen Castle. All these names refer to the same castle overlooking the picturesque town of Wleń. For several centuries it remained in ruins. The castle offers one of the most stunning views of the region and the magical land of Extinct Volcanoes.

Opening Hours

In season (May-October):

  • from Monday to Friday: from 11 to 17
  • on Saturdays and Sundays (and bank holidays): from 10 to 18

Low season (November-April):

  • from Monday to Friday: from 11 to 16
  • on Saturdays and Sundays (and bank holidays): from 10 to 17

Ticket Prices

Regular ticket: PLN 7

Reduced ticket: PLN 5

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Photos: Slawomir Miejski Wikimedia Commons

Bartosz is a travel writer, photographer & founder/editor of theuniquepoland who tells stories of adventure, history and current affairs. He writes mainly about travel, with special focus on Poland. He loves travelling, discover new unknown and inspire others.

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