Is Krakow Safe to Visit? Tips for Staying Safe in Poland’s Second Largest City

Krakow is Poland’s second largest city and a popular tourist destination. It’s well known for its beautiful old town, many museums and churches, and lively nightlife.

But is it safe? How safe should you feel in Krakow?

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the safety factors you need to consider when travelling to Krakow. We’ll also provide some tips on how to stay safe while exploring this wonderful city.

So if you’re thinking of visiting Krakow, read on! You’ll find everything you need to know about keeping yourself safe while there.

1. How safe is Krakow compared to other cities in Europe and around the world?

Krakow is a beautiful, historic city located in southern Poland. Krakow is a thriving metropolis in its own right, with a rich cultural heritage and a lively contemporary scene. In terms of safety, Krakow compares favorably to other European cities.

The crime rate is relatively low, and the city has a strong police presence. There are also many security cameras throughout the city center, providing an additional layer of protection.

Of course, as with any large city, it is always wise to take precautions when traveling alone or in unfamiliar areas. But overall, Krakow is a safe and welcoming place to visit.

2. What kind of crimes are most common in Krakow, and how can you avoid them?

The most common types of crime in Krakow are pickpocketing and petty theft, so it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you at all times.

If you’re carrying a backpack or purse, keep it in front of you rather than on your back, and don’t leave valuables like laptops or phones unattended in public places.

In general, using common sense and being vigilant will help you avoid becoming a victim of crime in Krakow.

is Krakow safe to visit?

3. Are there any areas of the city that you should avoid, and if so why?

Like any major city, there are some areas that are best avoided. The most dangerous areas are usually those that are away from the tourist areas and where there is less police presence. In particular, the neighborhoods of Podgorze and Nowa Huta have been known for violence and crime.

It is advisable to avoid these areas, especially at night. Other areas to avoid include the train station and any area around the Main Market Square, as these are hotspots for pickpockets.

With a little common sense and awareness of your surroundings, you can enjoy all that Krakow has to offer without incident.

4. What precautions should you take when travelling in Krakow, especially at night or during busy periods like festivals or holidays?

In particular, visitors should take care when travelling at night or during busy periods like festivals or holidays. There are a few simple precautions that can help to make your visit safe and enjoyable. First, be sure to familiarise yourself with the local area before venturing out.

Stick to well-lit and populated areas, and avoid any deserted or rough neighbourhoods. Second, it is always a good idea to travel in pairs or groups, especially after dark. This will not only make you less vulnerable to crime, but will also help you to enjoy your trip more.

Finally, be sure to keep your valuables safe and secure. If possible, leave them in your hotel room or apartment, and carry only what you need for the day. 

5. What should I do in case of emergency whilst being in Krakow?

If you ever find yourself in an emergency situation while in Krakow, it is important to know the right numbers to call. The first number you should always call is 112, which is the number for emergency services.

If you need medical assistance, you can also call 999. The police can be reached at 997, and the fire department can be reached at 998. By knowing these numbers, you can ensure that you will always be able to get the help you need in case of an emergency.

Is Krakow safe to visit?

6. Have there been any recent incidents in Krakow that tourists should be aware of before visiting the city?”

Krakow is generally a safe city for tourists, but there have been a few incidents in recent years that visitors should be aware of. In 2016, there was a surge in petty crime, with pickpockets targeting tourists in popular areas like the Main Market Square and Wawel Castle. There have also been reports of scams involving fake taxi drivers, so it’s important to only use reputable companies when getting around the city. Overall, as long as you take precautions against pickpockets and scams, you should have a safe and enjoyable visit to Krakow.

It’s always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings and not flash around valuables. In terms of what to see and do, Krakow has a lot to offer. The Old Town is a must-see, with its beautiful architecture and cobbled streets.

The Wawel Castle is also worth a visit, as well as the Kazimierz district, which is home to Krakow’s Jewish history. And of course, no visit to Krakow would be complete without taking a tour of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

While it’s an incredibly emotional experience, it’s also very important to remember the atrocities that took place there. So whether you’re looking for history, culture, or just a good time, Krakow has something for everyone.

8. Is it safe to use public Wi-fi in Krakow? 

Like in any major city  visitors should take extra care when using public Wi-fi networks. Although most public Wi-fi networks are safe, there is always a risk that personal information could be intercepted by someone with malicious intent.

For this reason, it is recommended that visitors to Krakow use a VPN (virtual private network) when connecting to public Wi-fi. A VPN encrypts data, making it unreadable to anyone who intercepts it.

This means that even if someone were to gain access to your data, they would not be able to read it. As a result, using a VPN is the best way to keep your data safe when using public Wi-fi in Krakow.

Is Krakow safe to visit?

Do you have any questions realted to this topic?

Feel free to ask in comment section below.

Have a lovely journey to Krakow and as always stay safe.

Bartosz is a travel writer, photographer & founder/editor of theuniquepoland who tells stories of adventure, history and current affairs. He writes mainly about travel, with special focus on Poland. He loves travelling, discover new unknown and inspire others.

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