How to say I love you in Polish – Romantic Polish Phrases

Do you have a Polish partner who deserves to hear these beautiful words or maybe you just started dating? There is no shame in being romantic, opening your heart and sharing your feelings. 

There are countless ways to confess love in Polish, but the most well-known and very straightforward way is Kocham Cie. You can also add Bardzo and say Kocham Cie Bardzo

These two nine-letter words are perfect for expressing your feelings and mean a lot. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings and pleasantly surprise your partner with Polish love phrases. 

Would you like to impress them even more? Then keep on reading to discover other romantic polish words.

Other Ways To Say I love You in Polish and More Romantic Polish Phrases

  • Uszczesliwiasz mnie – You make me happy
  • Chce sie z Toba zestarzec – I want to grow old with you
  • Przy Tobie czuje sie tak bezpiecznie – I feel safe with you
  • Szukal-em (am) Cie cale zycie – I’ve been looking for you my whole life.
  • Wygladasz pieknie – You look beautiful
  • Jestes calym moim swiatem – You are my whole world 
  • Uwielbiam Cie – I adore you
  • Jesteś dla mnie kimś wiecej – You’re much more than that to me
  • Bardzo cię lubię – I really like you
  • Jesteś dla mnie kimś wyjątkowym – You’re really special to me
  • Jesteś moim spełnieniem marzeń – You are a dream come true
  • Jestes ta jedy-na (nym) dla mnie- You’re the only for me
  • Wiesz że jesteśmy dla siebie stworzeni – We’re meant to be together

Romantic Phrases for Dating in Polish

Polish dating

  • Jestes woln-y(a) dzis wieczorem – Are you free tonight?
  • Spotkajmy sie ponownie – Let’s see each other again
  • Czy chcial-bys(abys) isc ze mna na obiad? – Would you like to go out to dinner with me?
  • Czy chcial-bys(abays) sie ze mna spotkac? – Would you like to hang out with me?
  • Zadzwonie – I’ll call you
  • Odwioze Cie do domu – I will drive you home
  • Czy moge Cie znow zobaczyc- Can I see you again?

Flirty Phrases to Seduce Your Polish Lover

Polish Romantic Phrases

  • Co taka piekna kobieta robi tutaj zupelnie sama? – What is such a beautiful woman doing here all alone? 
  • Czesc krolowo, w ktorym zamku mozna Cie spotkac? – Hello queen, in which castle can I meet you?
  • Chcialbym Cie moc blizej poznac – I wish I could get to know you better
  • Muszę ci się przyznać, że zainteresowałaś mnie – I have to admit I’ve noticed you
  • Dobrze mi sie z Toba rozmawiało dzis, może to kiedyś powtórzymy? – I enjoyed our talk today – maybe we’ll do it again one day?
  • Czy zaszczycisz mnie dzisiaj swoją obecnością? – Will you honor me with your presence today?
  • Nie znam Twojego imienia ale jestem pewien ze jest tak piekne jak Ty – I don’t know your name but I’m sure it’s as beautiful as you are
  • Podoba mi sie Twoja spodnica/koszula – I like your skirt/shirt
  • Nie wiem co przyniesie przyszłość, ale wiem że musisz w niej być – I don’t know what the future holds, but I know you have to be a part of it 
  • Którędy wracasz do domu, bo idę w tą samą strone – Which way are you going back home because I’m going the same way …
  • Jestem pisarzem i piszę książkę… telefoniczną i brakuje mi tylko Twojego numeru – I am a writer and I’m writing a … telephone book and I’ only missing your number.
  • Zakochalem sie w Tobie, moja ksiezniczko – I fell in love with you, my princess

So now you know how to say I love you in Polish, let alone dating vocabulary and romantic phrases. Would you like to learn more or planned a trip to Poland? 

Check out our post about Useful Polish phrases to Impress a Native or Polish Curse Words (Yep, you’re right polish profanity).

Whether you’re starting a journey with the Polish language, looking to build up your vocabulary or developing your communications skills, practice and study are essential. 

Below you will find a list of the best resources for learning Polish.

Best Ways To Learn Polish

Italki –  very flexible and affordable place to learn new language, 1-on-1 lessons via video call with professional tutors.

Preply – similar platform to Italki where you can find your favourite tutor however Preply has some of the cheapest online classes. Both platform are great for talking to a real human.

Babbel – flexible and user-friendly app which teaches reading, writing, listening and speaking. With Babbel you can learn as many languages as you want for the same price.

Memrise – great flashcard app for beginners with a lot of content for free. Useful for memorising words, phrases, one of the best for vocab learning.

Duolingo – easy to use, fun and free app for learning 35+ languages. Duolingo offers similar lessons to Memrise, learning new vocabulary and grammar.

Bartosz is a travel writer, photographer & founder/editor of theuniquepoland who tells stories of adventure, history and current affairs. He writes mainly about travel, with special focus on Poland. He loves travelling, discover new unknown and inspire others.

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