21 Useful Polish Phrases To Impress a Native

Dzien Dobry. Jak sie masz? Have you always dreamt about learning the Polish language? Are you planning to visit Poland? Polish is exciting and, to be honest with you, one of the hardest languages to learn.

But don’t let that put you off; it’s not a survival game where the evil is lurking around every corner. Learning a few basic Polish phrases and expressions in no time is not as complicated as it may seem.

Let’s take your brain for a spin by mastering some of the most common Polish phrases you need to know as a beginner.

# Dzien dobry (Jen doh-bri) – Good morning / Good afternoon.

Dzien dobry is defined as a polite, formal greeting that you say throughout the day.


Polish: Dzien dobry, jaki piekny dzien.

English: Good morning/ afternoon, what a beautiful day.

# Dziekuje (Jen-koo-yeh) – Thank you.

  • You should use that expression when you’re grateful.


Polish: Dziekuje za prezent.

English: Thank you for my birthday present.

  • When you’re answering a polite question or remark:



X: Wygladasz bardzo ladnie w tym stroju/kreacji/ubraniu.

Y: Dziekuje bardzo.


X: You look very nice in that outfit.

Y: Thank you very much.

  • When politely accept or refuse something:



X: Czy potrzebujesz pomocy?

Y: Nie, dziekuje


X: Do you need any help?

Y: No, thank you

  • Want to show your disapproval of something:


Polish: Tu nie wolno palic. Dziekuje!

English: You can’t smoke here. Thank you.

# Prosze (pro-shee) – please.

It’s a kind of polite request.


Polish: Prosze, podaj mi ketchup.

English: Please, pass me the ketchup.

# Dowidzenia (Doh veet-zen-ya) – Good bye.

Usually, we use that expression when we’re leaving. It’s used in a formal context, unlike Czesc, Narazie, Siema.


Polish: Musze juz isc. Dowidzenia.

English: I have to go. Goodbye.

# Nie ma za co (ne-ma-za-tso) – you’re welcome.

It’s a polite answer when someone thanks you for doing something.



X: Dziekuje za pyszna kawe

Y: Nie ma za co


X: Thank you for the delicious coffee.

Y: You’re welcome.

# Tak (tahk), – Yes.



X: Cy chesz isc do parku?

Y: Tak


X: do you want to go to the park?

Y: Yes ( I do)

# Nie (nyeh) – No.



X: Chcesz isc na spacer?

Y: Nie, jestem zmeczony.


X: do you want to go for a walk?

Y: No, I’m tired

# Przepraszam (psh-she-pra-sham).

It’s the equivalent of English Excuse me, I’m sorry or Apologize. Though, Poles quite often use English sorry, but rather among the younger generation. It’s an informal way of saying przepraszam.


Polish: Przepraszam za spoznienie.

English: I’m sorry for being late.

# Jak sie masz (yahk shay mahsh?) – how are you?

It isn’t the most common greeting we use when we meet someone that we know.

Poles like to use co slychac? Wszystko wporzadku? Usually, we use these phrases when we’re among the elderly or strangers, and it’s rather formal.

Co tam? Jak tam? Probably the most popular and beloved informal phrase among friends and youth.

# Nie wiem, ( nye wyem) – I don’t know.

This is the one my son loves to use:).



X: Gdzie sa Twoje ksiazki do nauki?

Y: Nie wiem


X: Where are your study books?

Y: I don’t know

# Na zdrowie (Nah zdrovyeh!) – cheers.

Usually, Poles say that before sharing a drink, though we say that phrase also when someone sneezes.


# Czy mowisz po polsku? ( chee moo-veesh po pol-skoo) – Do you speak polish?


# Ile to kosztuje? (ee-le-toe-kosh-too-yea) – How much does it cost?


# Pomocy (po-mo-tsy) – help.


Polish: Czy możesz mi pomóc rozwiązać ten problem.

English: Can you help me to resolve this problem.

# Nie rozumiem (nyeh roh-ZOO- myem) – I don’t understand.


Polish: Nie rozumiem co mowisz.

English: I don’t know what you’re saying.

# Bardzo dobry (barco dobry) – very good.


Polish: To jest bardzo dobry film.

English: It’s a very good film.

# Piekny (pyew-kny) – beautiful.


Polish: Mam piekny dom.

English: I have a beautiful house.

If you want to compliment your wife, use this phrase:

Polish: Mam piekna zone.

English: I have a beautiful wife.

# Pyszny (pis-ni) – delicious.


Polish: Żona zrobiła mi pyszne ciasto jabłkowe.

English: My wife made me a delicious apple cake.

# Wszystko wporzadku? (Fshitskav v pawzhwantkoo) – is everything all right?

# Kocham Cie (kohaaam chye) – I love you.

# Gratulacje (gratoolutsyeh) – congratulations.

Hope I could help, and you enjoyed learning basic polish phrases. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below.

Now it’s your turn to polish your Polish.

Best Ways To Learn Polish

Italki –  very flexible and affordable place to learn new language, 1-on-1 lessons via video call with professional tutors.

Preply – similar platform to Italki where you can find your favourite tutor however Preply has some of the cheapest online classes. Both platform are great for talking to a real human.

Babbel – flexible and user-friendly app which teaches reading, writing, listening and speaking. With Babbel you can learn as many languages as you want for the same price.

Memrise – great flashcard app for beginners with a lot of content for free. Useful for memorising words, phrases, one of the best for vocab learning.

Duolingo – easy to use, fun and free app for learning 35+ languages. Duolingo offers similar lessons to Memrise, learning new vocabulary and grammar.

Bartosz is a travel writer, photographer & founder/editor of theuniquepoland who tells stories of adventure, history and current affairs. He writes mainly about travel, with special focus on Poland. He loves travelling, discover new unknown and inspire others.

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